US Flag Cargo Preference
Schuyler Line Navigation Company, LLC (SLNC) is active in the US Flag Cargo Preference, offering liner services for cargoes related to/handled by US Transportation Command, including SDDC, MSC and other Government impelled cargoes such as USAID, USDA, EXIM. SLNC offers P1, P2, and P3 services. We are a privately held small business per NAICS code 483111 (under 500 employees) and we are US Citizen majority-owned.
SLNC is a fully authorized VISA participant in vessel operating and vessel owning. The Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA) is an agreement between the US Department of Defense and the maritime industry that guarantees the Department of Defense access to resources to sustain US military forces and facilitate emergency deployment of these resources. For more information on VISA, click here.
Our well equipped SLNC fleet can offer the carriage of specialized cargo, hazardous materials, explosive/flammable and chemical cargoes, including ammunition all IMO1.1 up via US vessels.
Schuyler Line Navigation Company, LLC provides a variety of maritime services in US waters and between US ports in accordance to the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (commonly known as the Jones Act (P.L. 66-261) and Cargo Preference Act (P.L. 83-644)). According to the Jones Act, all commercial merchant transportation by water between US ports must be carried by US-flag ships, which are owned by US citizens, and all crew must be US citizens and US permanent residents. In compliance with the Jones Act, SLNC has available US flag vessels that are operated within these requirements. Please feel free to contact us for your logistics needs in the United States territories.