SLNC Magothy recently completed Operation Pacer Goose, the annual resupply mission to Thule Air Force Base in Greenland. This year’s operation was the 68th annual resupply mission and the first Pacer Goose mission completed during a global pandemic. All crew, stevedores, and operations personnel adhered to strict COVID-19 protocol and quarantine restrictions during the period leading up to and during loading operations to minimize the risk of community transmission of COVID-19. Operation Pacer Goose is a critical mission to deliver supplies to Thule Air Base during the few weeks of summer when sailing conditions allow a vessel to access the port. After discharging the mission critical cargo, the SLNC Magothy loaded obsolete cargo for discharge back in Virginia. Thanks to our crew, operations personnel, stevedores, and everyone involved in the mission for their diligent efforts to ensure a safe and healthy 68th Operation Pacer Goose! For more information about the voyage, read this article.